info@techframework.com | Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley

Network Design

Ensure your company can grow and scale effortlessly with robust network solutions from Technical Framework.

Comprehensive Network Design and Implementation Services

Whether in the cloud or on-premises, networks are the backbone of information networks. As data-bearing devices, WIFI, heterogeneity of topologies, and the integration of on-premises and cloud networks have flourished, network design and engineering have become increasingly complex. Add an accelerating rate of computer hacking to the picture and you have an insurmountable challenge unless outside expert help is brought in to assist.

Network Design

The health and agility of your network infrastructure determine whether your business information system will operate smoothly, productively, and without high support costs. IP addressing, bandwidth management, traffic monitoring, web filtering, intrusion detection, security event management, and performance optimization are the primary factors in a well-designed network and should receive expert attention. Technical Framework will assist with the mentioned areas in addition to hardware selection, blueprints and diagrams, cabling layouts, and WIFI surveys as part of the design process.

Network Planning and Implementation

Implementing a new network or upgrading an existing one relies on the precise execution of the design factors mentioned above. The planning stage seeks to limit disruptions in the company using a phased approach.

During the implementation phase, Technical Framework will help you coordinate with employees, department heads, and outside vendors. Clear communication regarding the scope of each implementation stage will keep everyone informed and help staff to limit the impact of the expected downtimes.

Network Monitoring and Optimization

Once the new network is live, you’ll need to monitor and optimize configurations on computers, printers, and other networked devices. Network engineers should be on standby to resolve any unforeseen issues quickly and efficiently.

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Technical Framework’s network engineers will assist your IT staff to trace issues, resolve bottlenecks, and streamline the administration processes beyond the implementation phase.

Network Security and Threat Detection

To keep networks secure you’ll require firewalls, remote access protection such as VPN, and advanced threat detection systems. From behavioral analysis tools to automated threat incident response systems, network maintenance relies on work by dedicated professionals well-versed in the latest exploits and vulnerabilities.

To maintain your network’s security, Technical Framework’s engineers will configure and deploy the latest threat detection and prevention solutions over multiple layers of your network, thereby carefully managing and minimizing your organization’s attack surface.

Handheld Device and Wireless Access Solutions

With more and more companies allowing the use of personal devices on company networks, you’ll need to develop a mobile device and wireless access policy. While Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policies keep staff productive regardless of their location, you’ll need to keep sensitive information secure by way of encryption and secure access tools.

For enhanced mobile and wireless security, Technical Framework will develop the necessary policies and protocols to keep all information safe and secure on authorized devices connected to the network. As the threat landscape changes and new exploits arise, device policies will need to address the latest risks effectively. Technical Framework will review and update policies as new threats targeting mobile devices become known.

To start your network design and gain access to a team of knowledgeable professionals, contact Technical Framework today.

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For time-sensitive issues, please call our main number.
Main: 970.372.4940
Quotes: quotes@techframework.com
Tech Support: help@TechFramework.com