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Cloud Services

Enhance your organization’s digital transformation initiatives with a full suite of cloud services from Technical Framework.

A Suite of Cloud Services from Technical Framework

Cloud services allow your organization to streamline digital operations for reduced cost and improved reliability. As your company grows, leveraging a cloud-based digital infrastructure will ensure your email services, application servers, and data storage solutions scale effortlessly with your company. Technical Framework’s team of cloud services architects will help your organization achieve your digital transformation goals.

Public and Private Cloud Implementation Services

Before your company begins the migration of digital assets to the cloud, you’ll have to decide whether you need public or private cloud services or a combination of the two known as a hybrid cloud solution. Public cloud solutions typically reside off-premises in a shared, multi-tenant environment. Examples include services provided by Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. While these solutions come with integrated security, hackers regularly target public cloud services in an attempt to breach IT systems.

Private cloud solutions allow you to shore up your security systems while making your data accessible to your staff. With private cloud solutions, all of the hardware and infrastructure remain on your company’s premises or in a non-shared colocation environment, giving you maximum control over the system. Technical Framework can assist your organization with private, public, and hybrid cloud implementations.

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Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud file and data storage solutions will ensure your teams have access to critical business information from any Internet-connected device. Document collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Azure File Share, OneDrive, Google Docs, and SharePoint help teams collaborate effectively toward project goals. You can complement these solutions with multifactor authentication to keep your information secure. Implementing cloud storage solutions also improves your organization’s disaster recovery strategy and limits the impact of hardware failures due to redundancy built into the system. By working with your teams to find a suitable solution that serves the organization’s needs, Technical Framework can help your company achieve greater efficiencies with cloud storage solutions.

Cloud Servers

Moving application, database, and file storage servers to the cloud can reduce your operational overhead while increasing reliability. Using virtualization technologies, you can leverage your IT infrastructure for greater efficiency without having to increase the amount of deployed hardware. Cloud servers can be throttled to provide only the computing resources you need when you need them, helping you minimize usage fees while still being able to service workloads as required.

Technical Framework will assist your company to deploy a comprehensive cloud server solution according to your organizational needs. Whether you opt to use Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, or Amazon Web Services, Technical Framework will work diligently to ensure the project’s success.

Cloud Email and Collaboration Tools

Modern cloud collaboration tools and email services help organizations be more productive. Google’s G Suite and Microsoft Office 365 allow teams to access critical company information and communications from anywhere in the office using a standard or handheld device.

Technical Framework provides your organization with both the project execution and post-implementation customer support, including monitoring the entire system for maximum reliability.

Further reading:

To leverage our team’s expertise for your cloud services and IT support, get in touch with Technical Framework today.

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