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Microsoft Office 365

Streamline your organization’s operational capabilities and collaborate effectively with Microsoft Office 365 and Technical Framework.

Microsoft Office 365 Productivity Solutions

Microsoft remains a leading provider of office productivity tools that enabled companies to achieve strategic business goals for decades. With the advent of Microsoft Office 365, all these familiar solutions are now available to your organization hosted in the cloud and available from any device. With Microsoft Office online, teams can execute work quickly and efficiently without needing to change any of the applications you’ve traditionally used in your company.

Share and Collaborate on your Documents in Real-Time

Microsoft Word 365 allows teams to author, comment, edit, share and publish documents quickly. With a host of features and customization capabilities, your team can speed up workflows and establish more efficient business processes. Microsoft Word comes with a host of built-in collaboration features and third-party integrations including review and comment features that improves the document generation and publication cycles.

Technical Framework can help your organization migrate existing Word templates and files to the cloud and establish an online repository available on any connected tablet, PC, or mobile device.

Respond to Issues from Anywhere

Outlook remains the number one email client that enterprises use today. With Office 365 email capabilities, you can respond to any issue from anywhere in the office. If you’re traveling, you can access all your emails (including archives) from your mobile devices and ensure your team remains productive without having to wait for you to get to a PC.

As more organizations expect resources to remain involved even while out of the office, Microsoft Outlook 365 ensures everybody has access to the latest communications and calendars. For an always-available email service, Technical Framework can assist organizations with deploying a safe and secure Office Exchange server in the cloud.

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Synchronize All Your Files throughout the Organization

Say goodbye to network folders and VPN access controls by configuring a Microsoft OneDrive online file repository. OneDrive provides cloud storage to organizations for quick access and retrieval of critical business documents and files. When you need to find information quickly, Office 365’s OneDrive for Business provides up to one terabyte of online storage space with all the security and access controls you’ve come to expect.

Technical Framework can alleviate the burden of remodeling your Access Control and Active Directory configurations with the OneDrive cloud storage application. OneDrive will synchronize and backup all your business-critical information, improving your company’s disaster recovery abilities and business sustainability practices.

Publish the Latest Reports and Data

Spreadsheets have become the backbone of the modern office. From financial reporting to data analysis, Microsoft Excel remains one of the best office productivity tools available today. With Office 365, you can access the latest reports from your resources and react to any business insights as soon as it becomes available.

Excel 365 also includes the same customization capabilities and Visual Basic Macro tools that you’ve spent years to develop and perfect. Technical Framework can work with your organization to deploy your intelligent spreadsheets in the cloud and ensure they remain secure.

Expand Your Business Horizons with Additional Productivity Solutions

Apart from these solutions, Office 365 also comes with new tools such as Skype for Business to improve communication and Microsoft Teams to manage work schedules and track task progress. Additional collaboration tools include Yammer, Delve, and Sway. Your team can brainstorm ideas using OneNote, or generate advanced analytics and dashboards with Power BI.

Technical Framework has extensive knowledge of deploying Microsoft Office 365 solutions. With a team of experts, Technical Framework will help your organization to achieve greater efficiency during the normal workday.

To start your journey towards improved office productivity using Microsoft Office 365’s suite of applications, get in touch with Technical Framework today.

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