info@techframework.com | Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley

IT Consulting

Maintain an optimal IT infrastructure by leveraging consulting services from Technical Framework’s team of dedicated professionals.

IT Consulting Services from Technical Framework

Whether your company needs to acquire new hardware such as servers or desktops, or deploy a new software solution for improved productivity, Technical Framework can assist. It’s common for organizations to outgrow their IT systems over time. Due to the ever-increasing complexity of servers, workstations, cloud services, networks, and applications, small- and mid-sized organizations often find themselves lacking the in-house personnel and expertise to effectively tune and maintain their IT systems.

Technical Framework will work with your team to develop strategic IT solutions that fit your requirements and budget. With decades of experience in the IT industry, we can help with technology selection, infrastructure deployment planning, system optimization, and advisory services.

IT System Assessment

It’s easy to lose track of what IT equipment you have, how close it is to obsolescence, and how vulnerable it’s making your company with regard to security and productivity. Our IT assessment services are based on discovery with automated tools and manual observations which we use as a basis for a series of recommendations geared to facilitate your company’s growth and profitability. After all, you want to focus on your business, not on IT.

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IT Security Services and Consulting

Data security remains a priority for business owners today. Cybercrime continues to plague organizations with ransomware and other sophisticated exploits. Hardware, software, and IoT devices present a significant risk to organizational IT security. It’s more likely that bad actors know about existing vulnerabilities and exploits on older devices and software systems. Ensuring your organization’s information system remains secure will require security professionals to analyze and establish effective controls on all your devices and networks.

Technical Framework has years of expertise in securing customer networks and devices. To ensure your systems aren’t vulnerable to an exploit, Technical Framework will provide a security audit of your infrastructure, followed by recommendations on any needs for immediate action and long-term best practices.

Cloud, On-Premises, and Hybrid IT Consulting Services

More organizations are realizing the benefits of moving IT operations to the cloud or deploying a hybrid cloud solution. With cloud services, your team can access critical information and applications from any connected device. This improves operational efficiency and team productivity, while also reducing the cost of scaling your IT resources. Cloud solutions enable organizations to collaborate effectively, streamline digital operations, and deploy new systems or services as required.

For an effective cloud deployment strategy, Technical Framework works with organizations to establish safe and secure IT environments within any of the well-established, reputable cloud service providers. Whether you need public or private cloud solutions, or you want to extend your current operational infrastructure to a hybrid cloud solution, Technical Framework is here to help.

System Optimization and Upgrade Services

An incorrectly configured system can lead to security vulnerabilities, runaway resource consumption, network degradation, and other performance issues. Technical Framework’s IT experts will help you reconfigure your existing systems for optimal performance, enhanced security, and reliable operations.

To find out more about our IT consulting services or to request a free assessment, speak to an IT consultant from Technical Framework today.

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For time-sensitive issues, please call our main number.
Main: 970.372.4940
Quotes: quotes@techframework.com
Tech Support: help@TechFramework.com