info@techframework.com | Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley

IT Managed Services firm Technical Framework announces expansion of services to home offices and individuals.

IT Managed Services firm Technical Framework announced today that it will expand its services to home offices and individuals interested in improving their digital security.

“For over a decade, we have focused on IT services for the corporate environment, but the pandemic has changed business and cybersecurity, and we intend to adapt accordingly. No organization or household can be secure unless each member is secure,” Harris said.

Harris added, “We’re now actively focusing on serving home-office users, not only as an ancillary service to a corporation but as a major branch of our services.”

Harris said that Technical Framework has recently constructed an extension to its website to include critical information surrounding home-office and personal digital security, including a freely downloadable eBook, at https://personal.TechFramework.com.

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