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Christina Clementz Joins Technical Framework as Service Coordinator

Technical Framework, LLC, a Colorado IT service provider, fills its recently vacated Service Coordinator position.

Al Harris, Co-Founder of Technical Framework, announced today that the company’s vacant Service Coordinator position has been filled. “We were fortunate to receive applications from several qualified candidates. Our selection was Christina Clementz of Fort Collins, Colorado, who comes highly recommended with strong technical knowledge and over a decade of experience in coordination roles,” Harris said.

Technical Framework’s service coordinator role involves being a first point-of-contact for helpdesk calls, dispatching field technicians, shipping and receiving, and handling specific aspects of office management. Ms. Clementz will be starting in her new position on August 9th. Harris went on to say, “The service coordinator role is the conduit between humans and tech services and becomes increasingly pivotal as our company grows.”

About Technical Framework: Technical Framework offers information technology consulting services to small- and medium-sized businesses in Northern Colorado and across the USA. Services include management of computers and handhelds, networks and servers, and data security. Technical Framework is committed to providing reliable, honest, and innovative services to its clients based on solid core values.

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