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Windows Azure Cloud Services

Enable your organization’s growth and agility with Azure’s integrated networking, storage, analytics, and mobile cloud services.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Services and Solutions

Windows Azure Cloud Services help organizations streamline digital operations and provide critical resources on demand. As an industry leader in IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service), Azure’s cloud components ensure your company can leverage your existing infrastructure while moving operations to a more reliable and robust cloud environment.

Technical Framework provides complete Azure Cloud Services that deliver greater scalability, availability, and security to organizations when implementing cloud solutions.

Find the Truth with Advanced Analytics

Azure comes with a wide variety of data aggregation and analytical tools to help organizations manage and oversee digital operations. Azure’s analytics provide an unparalleled level of performance, with services running up to fourteen times faster than others and costing 94% less than competitors.

Using Azure Analytics, you can quickly search, index, and store millions of events or explore datasets with scalable and secure engines and serverless agents. Technical Framework expertise will help your teams leverage the latest, real-time information to make better decisions and track performance throughout the organization.

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Solve Complex Problems with AI and Machine Learning Solutions

To help you build the applications of the future, Azure’s AI and Machine Learning services provide a host of solutions that make systems more intuitive and intelligent. Azure’s Machine Learning allows you to build, train, and deploy models quickly and easily. Companies can mine knowledge from datasets and develop better experiences for users with automated agents.

Azure supports any open-source AI framework, so your organization can easily connect existing predictive models to the datasets and immediately start improving your forecasts and projections.

Scale and Grow as your Company’s Needs Change

A big impediment for organizations comes when the company needs to provide additional IT Support or IT Service resources. With Azure’s scaling tools and pricing structures, your company will only pay for the resources required at any given time.

Azure’s Autoscale solution enables your organization to grow or contract with your customer and service demands. With virtualization technologies, your company can commission additional servers and containers according to any metric you deem necessary. Technical Framework will ensure your apps, sites, agents, and bots remain available even during an unexpected spike in user traffic.

Migrate Legacy Applications using Containerization and Virtualization

Windows Azure supports a variety of containerization and virtualization technologies to help companies migrate legacy systems to the cloud. Containers provide an easy method to package legacy applications that automatically spin-up as required.

Similarly, virtual machines ensure operating environments that applications require remain viable, without compromising on information security. To reduce the cost of IT Operations, Technical Framework can assist your organization to migrate all legacy applications to the cloud and decrease the amount of the resources required using containerization and virtualization technologies.

Develop Cloud-Native Solutions with Integrated Developer Tools

Azure also helps teams with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) of software improvements using Azure Pipelines and Integrated Developer Environments (IDEs). As customers continue to expect only the best applications and online services from companies, using Azure’s developer tools will enhance your company’s ability to adapt to shifting market forces and user expectations.

To start using Windows Azure Cloud Services and modernize your IT services, speak to one of Technical Framework’s agents today

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