info@techframework.com | Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley

… secure my website or online store against hackers.

The ever-increasing number and severity of website compromises warrant specialized cyber defense measures geared to protect Internet-facing data stores, including eCommerce, PII, and the like. Sites without data require copious security as well, since any hacked website threatens its visitors’ safety and the beholder’s reputation.

For these reasons, Technical Framework has created a wholly-owned subsidiary dedicated to secure website and eCommerce services, called Tactical Web Media. The Tactical Web team is comprised of website security professionals, developers, and project managers who understand the underpinnings of cybersecurity as they relate to the web.

Tactical Web Media‘s flagship product, WebShield MX, is a robust hack-prevention system that blends firewall technology, secure hosting, heuristics, patching, and a combination of automated and manual audits to block and check for signs of compromise systematically. Webshield MX includes disaster recovery measures and can be customized to support regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI.

WebShield MX, by Tactical Web Media, solves the following problems for website owners and investors.

1) Lack of cybersecurity expertise is prevalent among web design agencies, which bundle web development and hosting with other marketing-related services. WebShield MX is a complementary add-on that protects websites while allowing them to operate under the auspices of marketing experts.

2) Website security encompasses the broadest range of expertise because it combines traditional IT disciplines such as hosting and networking with rapidly changing, web-enabled application technologies. This range of skills requires a dedicated product such as WebShield MX and a competent security team for its implementation.

3) WebShield MX is the one-stop solution for website security. No longer do owners and investors need to patch together multiple disjointed solutions, the result of which is often a creation of duplicity and gaps and are challenging to identify and manage.

Minimize your liabilities while maximizing website and eCommerce security by contacting us for a deeper dive into the capabilities of WebShield MX!

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Main: 970.372.4940
Quotes: quotes@techframework.com
Tech Support: help@TechFramework.com