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Executive IT Services

IT Security for VIPs, Executives, and Wealthy Families

It’s a long-standing axiom that an operation’s size is not necessarily proportionate to its complexity when it comes to IT and network security.

Organization executives, VIPs, and wealthy families often have IT security needs far greater and more complex than small to even mid-sized organizations. The IT operations of such individuals are attractive targets for hackers.

The proper mindset for executive IT services and security is to assume that assets are under surveillance by hackers and to be proactive with countermeasures. Hackers factor in the target’s security posture during their reconnaissance activities, and therefore it is essential to demonstrate strong measures to ward off attacks.

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Let’s briefly walk through recommended executive IT services and security measures for executives, VIPs, and wealthy families.

1) Identity theft protection and monitoring. This one is a reasonably self-explanatory area, and it is worthwhile. ID theft protection services vary widely concerning the insurance coverage they provide. Executives, VIPs, and wealthy families should seek out high-end plans from top providers such as IdentityForce, IdentityGuard, and PrivacyGuard. Be sure to understand the scope of the executive IT services and security. In most cases, identity monitoring services are on the lookout for impersonation crimes, such as someone using your information to set up an account.

2) Home firewall. Home network security should not be an after-thought. Executives, VIPs, and wealthy families should have a business-class firewall installed and monitored by those trained in executive IT services. While SOHO (Small-offer/home-office) firewalls are the norm for home networks, they do not provide the same protection level as business-class firewalls when it comes to virus filtering anti-intrusion, anti-spyware, and content protection.

3) Secure WIFI. For robust executive IT services, it’s critical to use WPA2 AES encryption and a strong password for accessing your WIFI network. Having a guest network is also essential as we do not recommend guest devices access the same WIFi network as the home residents. Guest devices may not have adequate protection, creating a backdoor into the home network for hackers. Using a guest WIFI network keeps these back door threats from accessing the home’s primary network of trusted devices and data.

4) Device Administration Lockdown. Network routers and firewalls have a web-based device administration interface, which should be outfitted with a unique username and a strong, unique password, by those trained in executive IT services and security. Avoid using the same password as you’ve used for your WIFI networks or other devices. Turn off the remote device administration feature so the settings can be changed only from a connection on your network, not the Internet.

5) Home WIFI scanner. Install an app such as the BitDefender Home Network Scanner to discover and identify devices as they connect to your WIFI. You or your executive IT services consultant should have an account of all the smart devices, phones, and computers in your home. Be sure to investigate any “mystery” devices and block them using your firewall’s administrative interface if necessary. Doing so may ward off a potential hack.

6) Firmware updates. Firmware is software embedded in one or more chips on a device and serves as its operating system. We know that operating systems must be updated to plug security holes. Smart devices are no different. Ensure your executive IT services consultant purchases and installs only smart devices that are necessary and always create a firmware update schedule for each device.

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