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Five Mistakes People Make When Upgrading Their PCs

Upgrading your PC is both a blessing and a curse. It can make life so much simpler, but upgrading can also become a nightmare if you run into one of these five common mistakes.

1. Wi-Fi Woes

Drivers are a huge pain when it comes to upgrades. Reinstalling or installing a new operating system will wipe out drivers that came pre-installed with your machine. Without a backup or knowledge on where to look for one, one of the most common driver issues is with the wi-fi adapter. Be sure and do some research on your wi-fi adapter drivers before upgrading and have them handy – it will save you a lot of time and a lot of headaches.

2. Video Card Issues

Video cards are another tricky piece of equipment when it comes to upgrades. As with drivers, video cards may also have issues with a new BIOS configuration or motherboard. Configuration and compatibility are integral to a video card performing successfully and an upgrade can throw everything out of sync. Be sure and do some research on how you want the video card to function and how it is functioning now. Making certain everything plays nicely with each other will save you some real pain.


The BIOS configuration is something that may throw a few wrenches into your plan. If you are upgrading, you are going to want to make sure everything is solid with your BIOS. It can be reset during an OS upgrade or part switch. Always make sure that it is up to date when it comes to upgrades and, as always, research what changes might happen with your upgrade. The BIOS settings can cause machine hang-ups in various functions, with both hardware and software. If the BIOS is not updated or has something configured incorrectly, it can really cause trouble. For example, if your BIOS is not configured to boot first to the DVD drive, you might find your machine booting up immediately instead of letting you go ahead with the reinstall. Check all your bases, especially your BIOS.

4. Backups, Backups, Backups!

One of the key rules among PC technicians is to keep backups – keep them on a hard drive in pristine condition in an entirely different room from your computer. Seem like overkill? When it comes to precious data, you can never be too careful. If you aren’t keeping regular backups, make sure to have a backup in at least three different places before you go forward with any kind of upgrade, major or minor. With upgrades especially, be certain and play it as safe as possible.

5. Keep Your Windows License Number

Certain upgrades require reinstalling your operating system, which may very well mean you have to renew or re-verify your license. If you haven’t kept your license number or kept a backup with your installation built in, you might very well find yourself on a call to Microsoft’s automated line.

As with anything technological, the key is always being prepared and doing research so you know what to expect when it comes to every aspect of your upgrade. If you are ever unsure, don’t fret – there are lots of resources and suggestions right here!

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